Having woken up from my TKO sleep I felt refreshed, and it took me no time at all to change into an eagle and fly down to Mississippi for the start of my journey through MAG.
Landing in the Mississippi River I made my way to Greenville, where I seemed to fit in splendidly; well, half of me anyway!
After a cabbage, broccoli and zucchini greeny brekkie I left Greenville and headed south.
I made good progress along the flat humid land, and it wasn't long before I reached Hattiesburg. As I was passing along the outskirts a woman made polite conversation, and I asked if she was born in Mississippi. She said no, she had been single and very straight-laced in the early 1960s, but then she met a hippy at Woodstock, got married to him and moved down to Mississippi with him.
It was an interesting story, and I could've listened to her all day, but I had rambling to do myself, so I set off again after bidding Mrs Hippy farewell.
I reached Biloxi, by nightfall, and joined the Mississippi Sea Wolves ice hockey team after receiving an invitation. It was great to spend some good wolf time with a few of the lads again, even if sea wolves aren't that closely related to greenygreys.
We could make ourselves understood, and as we share a similar sense of humour it made for a wonderful night. They aren't as fierce as they look, and put me up for the night after I'd had a little too much to drink.

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