Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Socialising with Sasquatches in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Basmoq 3: Saskatchewan

You know how it is when you haven't met someone, and you don't know if you're going to get along; well, that's exactly how I felt as I crossed from Alberta into Saskatchewan.

And not only was I entering the unknown; it was for a meeting with the Sasquatches. Now, I was as ignorant about these creatures as you probably are, having only seen grainy pictures of them on television and in magazines or newspapers. You know, their cousins looked pretty nice in Bigfoot and the Hendersons, but you don't know if Hollywood is providing an accurate picture do you; am I right or what? And even if Bigfoots are nice, does that mean Sasquatches are too.

Well, anyway, I digress. Back to the road trip. Crossing the border I passed through Swift Current to Moose Jaw, where I stopped for lunch; not on moose jaws or anything of course, being a veggie. From there I cut across above Regina, and was going to head straight into Manitoba, but then got the invite from the Sasquatches to tea in Saskatoon. To tell you the truth I could have done without it, as I was already weary from the day's journey, but I kind of felt obliged to accept, as it's not every day you get an invite from a fellow mythical creature; and there's not many of us left in the world you know.

So up I went, travelling north through unspoilt countryside, until suddenly in the distance I could see about a dozen sasquatches with a big 'Welcome GreenyGrey' sign on a hill. It was great to see after a hard day's travelling, and I headed over in their direction. And what can I say about the evening, it was just superb; they put on a great feast for me, and we drank and danced all night long. I'm telling you, Big Foot and the Hendersons doesn't do them justice as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I ended up staying over although I hadn't intended to, and it was with a heavy heart that I bade farewell to the sasquatch village in the morning. The evening had invigorated a jaded greenygrey, and I made good time in the morning. After passing through Yorkton I was on the Manitoba border by lunchtime; would I ever return to Saskatchewan or see the sasquatches again? I certainly hoped so.

For my travels in Canada I used the maps at:

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