Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mooching through Manitoba

The greenygrey lives at

Basmoq 4: Manitoba

After crossing into Manitoba I travelled straight down to Dauphin. There was a straight road through Manitoba, but I had time, so I decided to travel up to the lakes for a proper look at Manitoba. So I headed north, through some great scenery, to Le Pas and then Flin Flon, which bordered Saskatchewan; I thought it was quite ironic that I'd been travelling all day and was back on the border! But I'd seen some great scenery, so I had no regrets.

From Flin Flon I travelled through some beautiful countryside as I travelled alongside Lake Winnipeg to Grand Rapids, and down to Winnipeg. I ate supper in Winnipeg before setting off again, hoping to reach the border with Ontario by dusk.

Reaching water again told me I'd succeeded, and I slept well under a full moon.

I used to plan my journey.

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